84.18 ct- modified "bright angel" cut -SOLD

spanish sphalerite

spanish sphalerite

spanish sphalerite

spanish sphalerite

spanish sphalerite

spanish sphalerite

Beautiful bright and sparkly sphalerite, some small inclusions visible to the naked eye.
Really unique stone, for museums and best gem collections!
Weight: 84.18 ct
Size: 26.44 x 26.36 x 16.18 mm
Color: intense bright orange
Clarity: small inclusions visible to the naked eye
Cut: "bright angel" cut pavilion and modified fancy cut crown, very sparkly combination! Faceted by Egor Gavrilenko
Treatments: not treated in any way
Origin: Aliva mine, Cantabria, Spain
Price: SOLD



faceted sphalerite

(Remember that these pictures are a very enlarged views of the stone.
The inclusions are much less visible to the naked eye.)


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